Sunday 26 June 2011

tutorial 1 - selection

- I used Quick Selection Tool to select on the picture. I choose the part that i wanted. Then, I use the Move   Tool to move the picture from right to left.
- Zoom Tool being used to zoom in the picture , so that i can see clearly and Alt Zoom to zoom out the picture.
-Besides, i used Ctrl-T to resize the picture to make it bigger... 

- Same method used as above. 

- I used Quick Selection Tool to select on the picture. I choose the part that i wanted. Then, I use the Move   Tool to move the picture from right to left box.
- Zoom Tool being used to zoom in the picture , so that i can see clearly and Alt Zoom to zoom out the picture.
-Besides, i used Ctrl-T to resize the picture to make it bigger... 

- i choosen this picture and im gonna crop it..
-i used the Crop Tool to cut down the part i wanted..

- this is it. Then, Zoom Tool to zoom in and i used the Rectangular Marquee Tool to select the picture.
- then used Move Tool to drag the picture from right to left box.
-Besides, i used Ctrl-T to resize the picture to make it bigger....

- Lastly, the same method being used. Rectangular Marquee Tool to select on the picture and then Move Tool to drag the picture from right to left box.

- Final work.. and i saved it using JPEG.. 

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