Thursday 14 July 2011

tutorial 3 and 4 - photo retouching and enhancing digital photo

im here againnn... well, today im going to edit my wallpaper using tutorial 3 n 4..
firstly, i used clone stamp tool to make some effect on the stairway.. i make it looks like some called 'shadow'.. haha.. so, we will notice that there are few layers ... 
i deleted the previous picture coz i think the colour not that nice.. so, i replaced it by the colourful picture.. using the same tools, quick selection tool to drag the pattern i wanted.. n there it is..

this is it.. hmm.. there is a place looks imperfect.. one side of  'yellow man' gone..
make it looks better, i used the Clone Stamp Tool to retouch it.. firstly, i press alt + mouse click on the place where i wanna use to cover up the imperfect place.. den, i click on the place where i want to repair it.. finally , i able to do it although its not so perfect... well, here's the result..

this is it.. :) Horizontal Type Tool being used to add on some words..
finally, jpeg file again n ready to upload.. heres the final result..
b4 submitted the wallpaper, i decided to add some effects.. filter -> render -> lens flare... showing some blink blink effects.. :DD

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